Where are we Going? and What have we Done?
Hi [Name],
My name is Aaron and I’m studying a PhD in composition at Bath Spa University.
I’m conducting (no pun intended) a short survey of composers, and I’m looking to collect a number of responses for my research into how we talk about our work.
Anyway, I enjoyed scrolling through your website, and I’d be keen to have you involved if you are interested/available. The survey only consists of one question, and you are free to answer it however you please - even if that means answering it in a way that might feel uncooperative, or not what I was hoping for.
If you choose to answer, your response will be hosted on a website. It will be presented unedited, and without comment, alongside a copy of this email invitation. Additionally, if you would like to respond, but are unsure about attaching your name to your response, I am happy to keep your submission anonymous.
Clearly, if you have no desire to take part, feel free to disregard this email.
Thank you for reading this far, and if you would like to take part, please reply with an answer to the following question (interpreted in whichever way you wish): ‘What has your music done?’.
Warm wishes,
(Click first reply to move through collected responses)